Android hacking

Multi-Stage ValleyRAT Targets Chinese Users with Advanced Tactics

Multi-Stage ValleyRAT Targets Chinese Users with Advanced Tactics

Chinese-speaking users are the target of an ongoing campaign that distributes a malware known as ValleyRAT."ValleyRAT is a multi-stage malware that utilizes diverse techniques to monitor and control its victims and deploy arbitrary plugins to cause further damage," Fortinet FortiGuard Labs researchers Eduardo Altares and Joie Salvio said.

Evil Twin in Kali Linux

Evil Twin in Kali Linux

Evil Twin Attack is a Wi-Fi hacking technique that tricks the user into connecting to a spoofed targeted network, making it nearly impossible to determine whether the network is real or fake, resulting in the user entering their password in the fake network hosted by the Hacker.

Persistent Reverse Shell with Metasploit in Kali Linux

Persistent Reverse Shell with Metasploit in Kali Linux

A reverse shell is a type of network connection in which a command shell is executed on a remote machine, and the input and output of the shell are transmitted over the network back to the local machine. This allows a user on the local machine to execute commands on the remote machine and receive the output of those commands.

USB Drop Attack in System Hacking

USB Drop Attack in System Hacking

The USB drop attack is a client-side attack in system hacking. This means that an attacker must be physically near the victim and plug a malicious USB device into the victim’s computer to launch this type of attack. This type of cybersecurity hack is often used by cybercriminals to steal data or install malware onto a vulnerable PC

Brute Force Attack

Brute Force Attack

A Brute force attack is a well known breaking technique, by certain records, brute force attacks represented five percent of affirmed security ruptures. A brute force attack includes ‘speculating’ username and passwords to increase unapproved access to a framework. Brute force is a straightforward attack strategy and has a high achievement rate.