Evil Twin in Kali Linux

Evil Twin in Kali Linux

How does Evil Twin Attack work?

This attack creates a false access point (captive login portal) and forces the victim/user to enter their wifi password to this fake access point by de-authenticating them from the real access point; once the password is entered, the victim/user is redirected to the real access point.


Tool Required:

1. External Wifi Adapter which supports Monitor Mode & Packet Injection.

How to hack a wifi using Evil Twin Attack?

Step 1: To hack with this technique will be using a tool called Airgeddon. So, clone the Airgeddon’s GitHub Repo to your Kali Machine at any desired location.

git clone https://github.com/v1s1t0r1sh3r3/airgeddon.git

Step 2: Switch the Wifi Adapter’s mode to Monitor Mode, with the following command.

sudo airmon-ng check kill
sudo airmon-ng start wlan0
  • airmon-ng check kill – kills the unwanted application, that might interfere the process. 
  • airmon-ng start wlan0 – make the interface i.e. wlan0 switch to Monitor Mode.



Step 3: Now run the Airgeddon tool that we’ve installed, with root permission.

cd airgeddon
sudo ./airgeddon.sh



Step 4: Press Enter, to check if necessary tools are installed or not.




Step 5: Now select the interface to use, in this case, it’s wlan0



Step 6: Select Evil Twin Attacks Menu by entering the corresponding number 7.



Step 7: From Evil Twin Attacks Menu, select the 9th option Evil Twin AP attack with the captive portal (monitor mode needed).



Step 8: Enter y to not to make DOS attack, being part of the Evil Twin Attack. Then, press Enter to discover targets.



You’ll be prompted a terminal, discovering wi-fi targets.



Press Ctrl+C to exit you if see your target in the terminal.


Step 9: By entering the corresponding number, choose Target. eg. 2 [Current Target]



Step 10: Now, press 2 to perform Deauth with aireplay-ng.



Step 11: Now deny it to perform “Dos pursuit mode” by entering N.



Step 12: Press y to spoof your MAC Address.



Step 13: The attack requires a handshake file. If you have the file, press y and enter the path of captured handshake else press n to capture the new handshake.

Then enter the amount to timeout or leave it default and press enter to capture the handshake file.



Now, two windows will prompt:



  • Window 1: Capturing Handshake
  • Window 2: Performing Deauth Attack

When the Deauth is complete and a handshake is captured, it will congratulate you and ask where to save the captured handshake.

Step 14: Select your language and hit enter to start the Evil Twin Attack.



On pre-connected devices, a fake access point will appear, forcing the user to disconnect from the real access point and proceed to the attacker’s captive portal.



When the target attempts to connect to a fake access point, he or she will be redirected to a captive portal to enter the password, and if the user enters the password, it will be displayed in the Control Window.
