What is DNS Footprinting?

What is DNS Footprinting?

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What is DNS Footprinting?

DNS Footprinting is a technique that is used by an attacker to gather DNS information about the target system. DNS Footprinting allows the attacker to obtain information about the DNS Zone Data, which includes:

  • DNS Domain Names
  • Computer Names
  • IP Addresses
  • Network related information

Some of the main records that are important in DNS Footprinting are as follows:

               Record                                                                 Description                           
AA record is an address mapping record, also known as a DNS host record.
MXThe mail server record specifies an SMTP email server 
NSIt specifies the authoritative Name Server.
CNAMEConical Name record, alias record used to alias a hostname to another hostname
SOAStart of Authority is the authoritative Name server for the current DNS zone.
PTRPointer records, It allows a DNS resolver to provide an IP address and receive a hostname
TXTText Record, It contains machine-readable data such as DKIM.
 HINFOHost information record includes CPU type and OS
SRVService Records


DNS Footprinting is a simple procedure, we can perform DNS Footprinting by using various tools and websites but, here we are going to look at nslookup and dig. 

  • NSLOOKUP: Nslookup is a network administration command-line tool for querying the Domain Name System (DNS) to obtain the mapping between a domain name and IP address or other DNS records.  Nslookup’s usage commands:
nslookup <target domain>
nslookup -type=<recordtype> <target domain>







  • DIG: Dig is a network administration command-line tool for querying the Domain Name System (DNS). Dig’s usage command:
dig <target domain>
dig <target domain> <record type> 
dig <target domain> any


Here in this example, we have used the second command from the above command list. We have used MX in place of record type to get information about MX records.

dig command

dig command usage


The above command provides the MX  record as you can see in the terminal.

In this second example we have used the third command from the above command list i.e. ANY keyword, the ANY keyword just extracts all the possible records it can find on the server.

dig command

dig command usage


Using ANY keyword provides us with all the possible records as you can see in the result.

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