Subdominator - Unleash the Power of Subdomain Enumeration

Subdominator - Unleash the Power of Subdomain Enumeration

Subdominator - Unleash the Power of Subdomain Enumeration

Subdominator is a powerful tool for passive subdomain enumeration during bug hunting and reconnaissance processes. It is designed to help researchers and cybersecurity professionals discover potential security vulnerabilities by efficiently enumerating subdomains.

Latest release Installation:

Method 1:

git clone

pip install git+

subdominator -h

copy the config_keys.yaml configuration file from Subdominator github repository if you dont have in your machiene

Dont Worry if the above installation failed there another method also there for you


git clone
cd Subdominator
pip install .
subdominator -h

Update to latest version:

pip install git+

Features Of Subdominator Version1.0.6

  • Subdominator OSINT mode has been enhanced and improved which will give more results than previous versions
  • Subdominator Supports stdout
  • Subdominator notification results are improved

Oneliners with Subdominator:

Subdominator new features is it supports the onliners with other tools of projectdiscovery and My tools Subprober to improver your reconnassaince with efficiently

subdominator -d -o subdominator_subdomains.txt -cf | httprober -c 50 | subprober --verbose --title --server --application-type --word-count  -c 20 -o subprober.txt --silent -sp

Result Images:

Screenshot from 2023-11-27 10-53-10

ALL Users Insatllation:

git clone

cd SubDominator

pip install subdominator or pip install .

subdominator -h

Subdominator Usage:

[DESCRIPTION]: Subdominator is a subdomain enumeration tool that discovers subdomains by Free ! open source and API resources


 subdominator [flags]

 -h,   --help            :  This flag will show this help message and exits.
 -d,   --domain          :  Specify a domain name for Subdominator to collect subdomains.
 -dL,  --domains-list    :  Specify a file name for Subdominator to collect subdomains.
 -o,   --output          :  Specify a filename to save the subdomain enumeration results.
 -cf,  --config          :  Switching config flag will initiate Subdominator's Config mode (default mode: OSINT).
 -nt,  --notify          :  Swtiching notify flag will enable the subdominator to send the results via notification.
 -vrs, --version         :  Switching version flag will show the subdominator current vesion and exits.
 -r,   --recursive       :  Switching recursive flag will enumerate the subdomains which has wild cards. 
 -ske, --show-key-error  :  Switching this flag will show the api key errors if user didn't give keys or keys usage exhausts.
 -sre, --show-req-error  :  Switching this flag will show the sources which are unable to reach for subdomain enumeraion.

 - Subdominator resultings will be Excellent! when your's api key configuration are well
 - If you didn't want to run in config mode then don't give -cf or --config flag without API key configurations
 - To see the resources for API keys configuration please see here -->
 - If you have any errors in installation or facing errors in subdominator please report here -->
 - Hope you like the Subdominator, if you like this open source project 🔥, Then a give a ⭐ here -->
 - Want to contribute some sources or connect with me? then ping me here -->

[INFO]: Enabling the notification flag will send the subdominator results via notification

Dont forget to configure your yaml file with api keys:

Setup for Notification !:

Set up a Pushbullet account on your PC and Phone

For PC

Go to

Create an account

Get a api key and paste in Pushbullet-Notify in configuration yaml file

Add the extension to your PC with the Pushbullet Extension regarding to your browser

For Android | IOS

Install the Pushbullet app on your phone.

Log in using the same email address that you used to log in to your PC !.

V1.0.5 yaml file:

Virustotal: #Unlimited keys                   [Note]: Users follow my instruction and syntax as same if u want add 1 or more keys for particular api services for this configuration file and Thankyou!

  - #Insert your Virustotal API key here
Chaos: #Unlimited keys

  - # Insert your Chaos API key here
Dnsdumpter:  #Unlimited keys and tokens

  - # Csrf_Cookie:Csrf_Token

Whoisxml: #Unlimited keys

  - # Insert your Whoisxml API key here
SecurityTrails: #Unlimited keys

  - # Insert your SecurityTrails API key here
Bevigil: #Unlimited keys 

  - # Insert your Bevigil API keys
Binaryedge: #Unlimited keys

  - # Insert your Binaryedge API key here
Rapidapi: #Unlimited keys

  - # Insert your Rapidapi API key here
Redhunt: #Unlimited keys 

  - # Insert your Redhunt API key here
Bufferover: #Unlimited keys 

  - # Insert your Bufferover API key here
Certspotter: #Unlimited keys 

  - # Insert your Certspotter API key here
Censys: #Unlimited censys-id and key as you want

  - # Censys_API_ID:Censys_Secret_Token 
Fullhunt: #Unlimited keys

  - # Insert your Fullhunt API key here
Leakix: #Unlimited keys

  - # Insert your Leakix API key here
Netlas: #Unlimited keys

  - # Insert your Netlas API key here

Shodan: #Unlimited keys
  - Insert your Shodan API key here

Hunter: #Unlimited keys
  - Insert your Hunterhow API key here
Zoomeye-API: #Unlimited keys

  - # Insert your Zoomeye API key here
Zoomeye-Auth: #Unlimited as u want

  - # your_zoomeye_email:your_zoomeye_password
Pushbullet-Notify: #limited keys is enough for pushbullet

  - # Insert your Pushbullet Notify key here

Please make sure to replace #your_api_key_here with the respective API keys and replace the email with your api email and password api passoword you obtain from the corresponding websites.

Set the Unlimited api keys Where its commented can holds Unlimited api keys

Update your yaml file if you are existing user:

Shodan: #Unlimited keys
  - Insert your Shodan API key here

Hunter: #Unlimited keys
  - Insert your Hunterhow API key here

Example API keys setup:

[Note]: Users follow my instruction and syntax as same if u want add 1 or more keys for particular api services for this configuration file and Thankyou!
Dnsdumpter:  #Unlimited keys and tokens

  - zsdqYb0rvIVYh2uPHo5Yk4EljV9GEK3579fdg70s9dflW37Q5pZl8pvQHUHWav:Z488dfiasugf89692356bRfLyBxuTytPjA17aa2yA5ULO8HySZoG6ptOKoY

Redhunt: #Unlimited keys 

  - VRp7HK3jWiRSnpPHo2rDWp09078074tv
Censys: #Unlimited censys-id and key as you want

  - d573246-2343e-4072344-8773249-174cd6a0:Rdf2rII6cqkQ93425934KfZzzJ2q 

Zoomeye-Auth: #Unlimited as u want



[INFO]: To check your configuration file syntax is right check here by pasting your config_keys.yaml file to avoid yaml keys arrangements and syntax errors

[INFO]: Observe the change that for token, cookie, censys id and api, zoomeye auths are now changed so we can store unlimited keys and configuration and it will make easy and no more configuration after that . Which means spending time with configuration of api keys helps you in future

API Integrations and Credits

Subdominator integrates with various APIs to gather valuable subdomain information. We would like to give credit to the following websites for providing free-to-obtain API keys for subdomain enumeration. Claim your free API keys here:


Dnsdumpster requires csrf token and cookie to obtain it visit Dnsdumpter: Dnsdumpster

Search any domain and Intercept the requests your burp that contains token and cookie. Copy that and paste in your yaml file

Screenshot from 2023-07-24 21-47-10


Subdominator a Subdomain enumeration tool builded for bug hunters and pentesters and other Cybersecurity people, it mainly builded for information gathering purpose so I'm not responsible for any illegal works and also support the Subdominator project with a ⭐ and show your ❤️ and support guys! Happy Hacking with Subdominator! If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to contribute or open an issue on our GitHub repository: Subdominator GitHub Repository or can contact me through LinkedIN for any issues or upgrades